What To Do When Your Customer Experience Survey Starts To Deteriorate
Customer experience is essential to business, so you need to know how your customers feel about how they are treated.
It's important to remember that customer experience surveys are more than just a quantitative measure of how people feel about your brand; they are also qualitative tools that should give you insight into improving your products and services for future customers.
The good news is that you can do plenty of things before surveying again to ensure better results.
If you aren't surveying every six months or more frequently depending on customer changes, you could be missing vital information about their needs versus yours.
With an accurate picture of your customer's experience, you can develop a deeper understanding of what they value and how you can help them achieve this goal. This will allow you to make informed decisions that will improve your business and its relationship with the customer.
Whether through informal surveys or more in-depth interviews, getting real-world insights from those who have used your products or services will help ensure that any changes implemented are relevant and practical.
The benefits don't stop there either; these insights can also help shape future marketing strategies and plans, ultimately leading to positive growth across all areas of business operation. This will include sales performance metrics such as conversion rates (the percentage of visitors who buy) or average order value (how much each buyer spends).
It's essential to maintain your customers' satisfaction to grow your business. So what happens when the results start to decline?
The first question you need to ask as a business is, 'Did we engage them on a personal level?'
Remember that responses can come from personal experience, not just products.
It's essential to keep in mind that customers will often respond to your survey with a more personal experience than the product experience. This is why it's vital to ask them questions about not just their product experience but also how they felt about other aspects of the overall transaction, such as customer service, delivery speed and packaging. It's entirely possible for someone to give you a poor rating on these metrics even if you have a fantastic product.
If a customer doesn't like being treated poorly by one of your employees or doesn't think your shipping time is quick enough (even though it may be one of your best metrics), they might still leave you negative feedback on their surveys because of those experiences.
It's essential to consider many factors when analysing customer survey responses.
You need to analyse your customer survey responses so that you can determine what's going on with the experience you're providing. To do this, you have to consider many factors.
These include:
The overall satisfaction of your customers - with all areas of your business
The ratings that customers give for each question in their survey response (i.e., how well they rate their experience across different aspects)
Identify the problems that your customers or prospects see in your business by asking the right questions.
Listen to your customers. It's not enough to ask them what they think of your business; you need to listen closely and ask follow-up questions if they don't seem satisfied with the answers they've given you.
Use the right survey tools. Many different customer experience surveys are available, but not all of them will be equally effective at providing accurate information about how people perceive your business or brand. A good customer experience survey tool will have customisable options that allow you to tailor questions based on what kind of information is most helpful in identifying areas where improvements can be made in customer satisfaction levels.
Analyse the results. Once you receive customer responses through a completed survey, there are multiple ways that this data can be analysed to identify critical areas where problems exist within existing or future relationships between clients and businesses (or both).
Check to see if there were changes that could be impacting results
If your customer experience survey results deteriorate, it might be time to check in with your survey administrators. There may have been a change in how the surveys were done or administered that could impact results. If there was no change, then look at other factors, such as:
Is there an increase in overall employee turnover?
Have customers become more challenging to reach due to changing trends and social media usage?
If you find changes impacting your customer experience scores, consider how your company interacts with its customers going forward.
Improve the customer experience by taking action on the areas of issue
Once you've identified the problems, it's time to make some changes. The first step is prioritising customer service and ensuring that it's effective in getting customer feedback so that you can improve as a company. From there, focus on improving your product or service offerings using data to inform product changes or help you allocate resources better.
Use data to inform product changes or help you better allocate resources
Use data to identify problem areas before they go out of control
Use data to prioritise customer service
Use data to improve your CX only if you know what's wrong with it
Customer experience surveys can be an excellent tool for improving the customer experience. If you haven't already, it's time to start surveying your customers and making changes based on what they say. Surveying your customers at least once every six months will ensure that you stay on top of any developing problems.