Inspired thoughts to keep you aligned.

Guidance and advice that encourages freedom and opportunity.

Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Leading Through Change: My Lessons in Adaptability and Resilience

Leadership is never static. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that change is constant, and how you navigate it defines your success. A few years ago, my business faced a massive transition, forcing us to shift our model due to market changes. At first, it felt like walking through fog, but instead of resisting, I leaned into the uncertainty with trust and adaptability. Together with my team, we embraced innovation, experimented without fear, and built resilience. Change isn’t just about survival—it’s an opportunity to thrive. How will you embrace it?

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Embracing Vulnerability in Leadership: How It Strengthened My Impact

When I first stepped into leadership, I believed I had to be the “perfect” leader—stoic, invulnerable, always in control. That moment taught me an invaluable lesson: vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. Leadership isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about guiding others with authenticity, humility, and courage.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

The Power of Self-Reflection in Leadership: Why I Prioritise It Daily

Self-reflection is something I didn’t realise I needed as a leader until I hit a wall. Since then, self-reflection has become my secret weapon—an anchor in the stormy seas of leadership. Leadership is not a race; it’s a journey. And just like any journey, it requires moments of pause to recalibrate, refocus, and realign.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Why ChatGPT Could Hinder You in Business

Over the last twelve months, discussions around ChatGPT have increased.In case you haven't tried it, ChatGPT is a simple chatbot that lets you create content in minutes. It's easy to set up and use. Most people will tell you that ChatGPT will take care of all the heavy lifting involved in creating data from your customers and employees, evaluate their responses using machine learning algorithms, and spit out ready-to-use recommendations to help you grow your business.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

The Importance of Having a Personal Brand

In the world of business, having an effective personal brand is crucial. A personal brand can help you establish credibility, build trust and develop relationships with clients and colleagues. What's more, it will give your business a competitive edge in the marketplace by differentiating it from other businesses.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Your Leadership Superpower - EQ

When it comes to outstanding leadership, emotional intelligence is the key. Emotionally intelligent leaders are self-aware, foster better communication within the workplace, and build more positive, trusting relationships, allowing them to address challenges effectively.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Why Involving Staff From Various Levels and Backgrounds is Good For Leadership and Your Professional Development

A vital component of any leader’s professional development comes from surrounding themselves with people who have different viewpoints than they do and who therefore think in different ways. So why would this be any different within your business?

More often than not, once you have worked your way up the corporate ladder, you find that you are surrounded by people who have been with the company for many years. These people have experience and wisdom, but they might also be stuck in their ways and perhaps are less adaptable to change. Their willingness to think outside the box when it comes to a new way of doing things or even streamlining processes may be limited.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Achieving Success as a Values-Led CEO

n today’s business world, it isn’t easy to achieve lasting success without having solid values at the core of your brand, employees, and vision. If you can infuse these principles into everything you do, from how you interact with other people to spending money on development resources, your company will be well-positioned to weather even the most challenging economic storms and generate long-term stability and growth.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

Give Me The Power To Make A Difference

For many women, reaching the top can seem like an unattainable dream. We’re half of the population but make up less than one-quarter of board members and only four percent of CEOs, according to McKinsey & Company’s Female Leadership Quarterly, Women Matter (2010).

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

The Competitive Edge of Female Leadership

Leadership, diversity, and inclusion are all buzzwords of our time. However, when it comes to female leadership specifically, some people still don’t understand why businesses should make an effort to include women in the Boardroom and other decision-making roles.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

5 Tips To Help You Make The Most Out Of Marketing Services

Earlier this year, I was in discussion with a small business owner who had hired a Marketing Manager and was wondering when all the money he had spent on this marketing employee would show returns. His company had a new website built that had been active for two weeks and no more than a handful of social media posts. To say this was an unrealistic expectation is an understatement.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

What To Do When Your Customer Experience Survey Starts To Deteriorate

Customer experience is essential to business, so you need to know how your customers feel about how they are treated.It's important to remember that customer experience surveys are more than just a quantitative measure of how people feel about your brand; they are also qualitative tools that should give you insight into improving your products and services for future customers.

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Maryanne Katsidis Maryanne Katsidis

How Much Does Your Brand Contribute To Your Overall Business Success?

Your brand is the way you communicate who you are to your customers. It's the impression that people have of your business and what they think it stands for. It seems more often than not that small businesses don’t spend enough time thinking about their brand's image or how it affects their overall business success. If your customers don't perceive anything special about what makes you unique from other companies offering similar products or services, why should they choose yours over all the others?

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