Retreat Support
Here is a list of ways you could support yourself post-retreat.
We're all so unique, and what supports one person doesn’t always support the next, but the beauty of this list is that it provides a lot of choices.
With that, we invite you to feel into what makes sense for you.
Being in nature - listening to the wind, birds, trees
Getting up early to mark time out for sacred space
Somatic movement
Yin Yoga
Leaning into your network and circle
Spending time with animals
Eating well and nourishing yourself
Getting sleep and allowing yourself to rest
Energy healing
Essential oils - choose your favourite and breathe it in!
Being gentle and kind with yourself
Music and movement
Delegate and ask for help
Take a nap!
Time on your own, away from everything, including your phone/socials
Allowing yourself to feel whatever is coming up without judgment
Sharing with people you trust
Being creative
Having flowers around you
Clearing your space energetically
Working with crystals
Getting a massage
Taking time to play
EFT tapping
Drinking more water
Floatation tanks
Leaning against a tree
Placing my hands on your body and just feeling where you need some extra attention
Talking to your best friend
An overnight getaway or long drive